Standing Up For Justice And The Underdog

Construction Injuries Workers’ Compensation Lawyers

No one imagines that construction is a profession without some degree of risk and injuries are a reality in this kind of business. With heavy machinery, dangerous and sometimes toxic materials, and dozens of skilled workers needing to operate as a well-oiled machine, even a relatively minor mistake can lead to serious injury.

The Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that the rate of fatalities and serious injuries among construction workers is higher than the national average across other industries.

The most common types of construction site accidents are:

  • Ladder falls from heights
  • Roof, wall and trench collapses
  • Unsafe or improper scaffold set up
  • Electric shock, burns from welding arc flash or blast
  • Repetitive stress injuries
  • Construction truck and vehicle accidents
  • Injuries from falling materials, tools and equipment
  • Lifting injuries to back, knees, shoulders

Workers’ compensation is a necessary and critical safety net that gives workers in some of the most difficult jobs peace of mind that if they suffer a serious injury they and their family will still be taken care of. At Carter Law Offices, P.C., in Des Moines, Iowa, we work to make sure that safety net is there to catch you when you need it.

Recovering Compensation So You Can Recover Your Health

Despite tough economic times, construction across Iowa remains a busy and healthy industry. Along with that work comes the constant potential for a job-site injury. When you have been hurt, you should know your rights and your options to make sure you and your family are protected.

Our attorneys work with construction injury clients who have been hurt in accidents involving:

  • Road construction
  • Home construction
  • Condominium and downtown construction
  • Roofing
  • Framing
  • Concrete and foundation work
  • Bridge construction

We are experienced workers’ compensation lawyers who will help you file the right documentation with the Iowa Industrial Commission and be your representative at hearings. Our goal is to make sure that you have needed access to the full range of benefits available to you. Whether you have suffered a serious back injury, head injury or other major trauma in a construction accident, we put our experience and dedication to client service behind the needs of every client.

Third-Party Lawsuits

Except under very specific circumstances, when you receive benefits through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance provider, you forfeit the right to sue your employer for further negligence damages. However, you may still have the option of suing a third party found to be responsible for your accident and injuries. Third-party lawsuits are the only way to recover the full amount of lost earnings and money for pain and suffering. We will review your construction site accident case to determine whether the property owner, product manufacturer or another employee or subcontractor working on site may be held liable for further damages.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation

Call 515-644-4871 or 402-979-8675 or send an email explaining your construction site accident and injuries.