Standing Up For Justice And The Underdog

Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Lawyer In Des Moines, IA

Motorists who carry uninsured motorist and / or underinsured motorist protection are urged to verify with their auto insurance agent what coverage they are carrying in the event of an accident involving another driver with insufficient insurance. Many consumers do not fully understand what $50,000 Uninsured Motorist Insurance or Underinsured Motorist Insurance means. Most people should carry $1 million coverage rather than $100,000 coverage to be truly protected in case of the unexpected. (The cost is not much more, especially considering the potential benefits.)

After an Accident with an Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist

If the accident has already happened — you suffered a serious or catastrophic injury, or a family member died in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident — it is too late to buy additional insurance to cover that accident. But it is essential to contact an experienced, aggressive personal injury attorney to begin the process of obtaining the maximum compensation available from all sources.

An Experienced Car Accident Attorney is an Invaluable Source of Help

A collision with a motorist who is uninsured or underinsured may mean that there will be strict limitations as to how much you can collect even from your own insurance company. A personal injury attorney with years of experience — digging into causes of car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, determining long-term diagnoses of injured clients, and compelling insurers and other responsible parties to compensate victims — is an invaluable source of help and support.

We Help Victims and their Families Recover Damages in UIM / UM Cases

With a free initial consultation and contingency fees for personal injury claims, you owe us nothing unless we recover for you. Rely on our legal professionals for effective, experienced and personalized legal solutions. Contact us today to schedule an appointment